Hi Again, I thought that I should put a little bit of something in here about myself. Because of my belief in the Twelve Steps and Traditions, I will not be showing any pics of myself, (believe me, I'm doing you all a big favor). SMILE The picture below though depicts, pretty much, the first 30 years of my life.  Some general info:
Updated February 10, 2001
I was born in Zanesville. I have two sponsors. The Alley Group is my "homegroup". As of June 1st, 2003, I have 11 years of continuous sobriety. I'm agnostic - "in search of". I'm really into service work. I have served as my groups secretary, for two terms, as our districts C.F.C for one term, and as the groups G.S.R. for one term. I was elected as D.C.M., (Area 53 District 7). I also serve on a Mental Health & Recovery Service Board. I do a little volunteer work at the hospitals and jails. These trusted servant offices are all good, but my favorite 12 step work - is on the street. I'm nocturnal by heart and I love "running the streets". Talking to the hookers, the cops, the dealers and players. Once in a great while I really get to help someone that others have given up on, overlooked or wouldn't look at - at all. I realize that these people are helping me stay sober just as much as I'm helping them. Oh!, By the way - I miss emptying ashtrays.
I don't add to this site very often, really sorry to add George today. It's been another good day - not to take a drink.
Hare Krishna George - Yea! John, they call him Sir Paul now.